Mekong Wonders

Celebrate World Wetland Day 2022 🌲🌊

Publication Date: 02nd February 2022
Authorized By: Young Eco Ambassador


[Let’s Celebrate World Wetland Day 2022]🥳

🇺🇳The United Nations General Assembly marked the 2nd of February each year to post a celebration of World Wetlands Day, after the adoption of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Each year’s campaign, the WWD was solemnized in different themes to call for, advocate and empower actions to save the wetland around the globe. And, this year’s theme is “Wetland Action for People and Nature”, aiming to empower multi-stakeholders to act for the wetland. 🎉🏝

#WetlandAction4PeopleandNature #Act4Wetland #WWD22 #TogetherActions4WetlandProtection #CelebrationDay #WoM #YEA_Cambodia
