Mekong Wonders

Monitoring fish catch at the Tonle Sap Dai fishery

Publication Date: 07 April 2022
Source: WoM

The commercial stationary trawl (Dai) fishery has been operating in the Cambodian Tonle Sap River for more than 100 years. Members of the Wonders of the Mekong project monitored fish catch at the Tonle Sap Dai fishery from November 2021 to March 2022. Team members identified and measured fishes to study the size distribution of various species, and track changes in the catch composition over daily and lunar cycles.
The information from the catch will also be compared to hydroacoustic measurements of fish abundance at the dai to provide verification for the hydroacoustic surveys. This study illustrates the value of combining traditional fisheries studies with advanced technology to help monitor changes in an important Cambodian fishery. Read more about the research here:…/
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