Mekong Wonders

Sneak peak of the new exhibition titled "Tonle Sap: Heart of the Mekong" by photographer Suthep Kritsanavarin

Publication Date: 02 May 2022
Source: WoM 

These photos are a sneak peak of the new exhibition titled “Tonle Sap: Heart of the Mekong” by photographer Suthep Kritsanavarin, which opens May 2 and will run until May 31, 2022, at the Bophana Center in Phnom Penh as part of the Wonders of the Mekong project. The exhibition illustrates the remarkable biodiversity and life on the Tonle Sap Lake, while calling attention to the wide-ranging consequences of climate change, human activities and development on the lake.
The extraordinary photographs portray the diverse way of life of fishing communities around the lake. One collection of photos tells general stories about the environment, geography, and biodiversity of Tonle Sap, while another series of photos compares the lake during the dry and flooding seasons, demonstrating how life and people adapt to these dramatically different conditions.
Situated in the middle of Cambodia, the Tonle Sap is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia and one of the most productive inland fisheries in the world. Its fish provide a source of protein for millions of Cambodians and people from neighboring countries in the region. However, this remarkable lake is undergoing rapid change from dam construction, habitat loss, and overfishing, with consequences for people and nature alike. The exhibit aims to educate the public about the importance of the Tonle Sap and promote its protection and conservation.
For further information please contact:
Miss. MECH Choulay
Tel: 010290830