Mekong Wonders



Greetings everyone! Anyone out there wishes to visit the Tonle Sap Lake in a lifetime? If it’s your dream, you’re invited to the Bophana Center to join the #PhotoExhibition under the theme of “TONLE SAP: Heart of The Mekong” to learn more about the fisherman's life on the river which was visualized by a talented and skillful Thai artist: Suthep Kritsanavarin through his photography. This photo exhibition event will be taken place: Venue: Bophana Center: Date: 03 May -31 May 2022 (For Public, Free Entrance) Time: 8:00AM-12:00PM (Morning Shift); 2:00PM-6:00PM (Afternoon Shift) Note: On the 2nd of May for Invited Guest ONLY! Facebook Page:  អេកូយុវទូត - Young Eco Ambassador គម្រោងអច្ឆរិយភាពនៃទន្លេមេគង្គ - Wonders of the Mekong #PhotoExhibition #LifeOnBelowWater #TonleSapHeartOfTheMekong #USAID #RENO #FiA #WoM

"The Cry of the Female Painted Stork"

The event was made to celebrate the completion of the song as well as to promote the water bird conservation in Tonle Sap Lake, and engage the public to learn about rare bird species in Cambodia. In addition, the opening session joined by H.E. Net Pheaktra, Secretary of State and Spokesman of the Ministry of Environment (MoE), and Mr. Neab Somnieng Deputy Chief of Office of the Department of Freshwater Conservation of the Ministry of Environment, Mr. Sean Mardy, from Sam Veasna Conservation Tours and inspired personal story by WoM project coordinator, Mrs. Chea Seila and display of video documentary and official lyric video of “The Cry of the Female Painted Stork”. Date: Friday 13th August 2021 Time: 09:00AM- 10:30 AM Location: Zoom Virtual Meeting


Taking part in the global movement on climate action and to celebrate Earth Day, Young Eco Ambassador in cooperation with Wonders of the Mekong project and FishBio is honored to conduct the online discussion under the title “Restore Our Earth, Restore Our Rivers” in the purpose to contribute what we can do to protect our rivers. 👉The discussion is attended by speakers from different organizations and institutions to share their personal stories, working experiences, their participation in conservation works and what we all can do for a healthier Mekong River, preserve natural resources, and protect our only home. The Discussion “Restore Our Earth, Restore Our Rivers” Broadcast on April 30, 2021. So, please STAY TURN for our discussion. Date: 30 April 2021 Time: 07:00 PM


To spread the love of the Mekong river, YEA: Mekong Generation I, created a Mekong Song Project called, “Machas Tonle” in 2019 in cooperation with Cambodian local singers, SmallWorldSmallBand x Peace Chong. Stay safe and watch Machas Tonle premie its first official lyric video online. Date: Friday, 12th of June 2020 Time: 7:00 PM Event Location: Premier Online