Mekong Wonders

the wonders of prek taol ramsar site

Publication Date: 08th February 2022
Authorized By: Young Eco Ambassador

Prek Toal site, transformed from an endangered area into an important and the heart of Tonle Sap Lake. This biggest bird protected area in the SEA, besides its breathtaking view (Admin Guarantee), the site is also a warm home of critically endangered species such as Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas), giant barb (Catlocarpio siamensis), Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) as well as river terrapin (Batagur Baska). More beautifully, the area is covered by flooded forests, waterbirds and flooding-village which are crucial for Community-Based Tourism.

Please save a date for a sunset trip there na, that’s environmentally gorgeous!

To gain further knowledge, please look at the detail below na!

“Wetland Note: In this year, 2022 to commemorate the 51st World Wetland Day “Wetland Action for People and Nature”, YEA Cambodia and the Wonder of Mekong project will initiate two activities include the wetland education content on social media and the community and school outreach program “Together Actions for Wetland Protection”. Thus, please follow our Facebook page for further information.”

Source៖ Ramsar & Birdlife International

#WoM #YEA_Cambodia
