Mekong Wonders

educational videos

Science Talk with Dr. Zeb Hogan- 2019 Mekong Film Festival

Meet Dr.Zeb Hogan, sharing about his conservation journey in Science Talk 2019 Mekong Film Festival, co-host by Young Eco Ambassador Cambodia and Wonders of the Mekong Project (WOM), at CKCC, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 

Produced By: Young Eco Ambassador Cambodia 

Special Features of Giant Fish Species

This live broadcast will focus on “Special Features of Giant Fish Species” Meet with our speaker, Mr. Thach Phanara, who is one of the Mekong Heroes of 2018-2019 in the conservation of the Mekong River area selected by the Wonders of the Mekong River and currently he is the head of laboratory at the Inland Fisheries Research and Development Institute. In Cambodia, fish is an important nutrient, accounting for 61% of each household animal protein intake, and it is the second most-consumed food after meals. The average fish consumption of one person is 63 kg per year. This live broadcast aims to highlight the value of fisheries resources, the comparison of natural and farmed fish, and the importance of participating in the conservation of large fish species in Cambodia.

Produced By: Young Eco Ambassador Cambodia 

Bengal Florican Conservation

This live broadcast will focus on the topic of “Bengal Florican Conservation” with our invited speaker, Mr. Hong Chamnan, who has many experiences in bird conservation in Cambodia. The live broadcast aims to preserve the ecological, cultural, and economic system of the importance of Mekong basin, as well as to promote sustainable development of the river and to collect scientific data on the status of the Mekong River.

Produced By: Young Eco Ambassador Cambodia 

Cantor giant softshell turtle Conservation

This live broadcast will focus on the topic of “Cantor giant softshell turtle” with the invited speaker, Mr. Bran Sinal, who has many years of experience in the giant soft-shell turtle. According to official IUCN research, giant softshell turtles are the most abundant in Cambodia, and they live along the Mekong River in Kratie province. The live broadcast is designed to disseminate knowledge on Cantor giant softshell turtle conservation. we will also highlight the importance feature of Cantor giant softshell turtle as well as raise awareness of the action should be taken to protect the Cantor giant softshell turtle.

Produced By: Young Eco Ambassador Cambodia 

“The Importance of the fisheries sector in Cambodia's economy”

This live broadcast will focus on the topic of “The Importance of the fisheries sector in Cambodia’s economy” with Mr. Chheng Phen, Deputy Director General of Fisheries Administration in Cambodia.
The Live show is designed to disseminate knowledge on fisheries conservation and value in the Cambodian economy. Once again, we will also highlight the importance of fisheries as well as raise awareness of the value of fisheries resources that are driving the Cambodian economy today.

Produced By: Young Eco Ambassador Cambodia 

The Sarus Cranes conservation in the LMR -YEA Live Broadcast

This live broadcast will focus on the topic of “The conservation of the Sarus Cranes along the Lower Mekong Regions” with invites speakers, Mr. Bou Vorsak, Acting Programme Manager for BirdLife’s work in Cambodia. The live broadcast is designed to disseminating the knowledge of the conservation works of the Sarus Cranes in the Lower Mekong Delta, Cambodia. Once again, we also highlight the key importance of wetlands as well as to raise awareness on the great ecosystem as natural habitat and sustaining the food chain of wild animals, birds, and human living.

Produced By: Young Eco Ambassador Cambodia 

Wetlands and Mekong Giant Fish's Habitat- YEA Live Broadcast

This live broadcast raises the topic “Wetlands and Mekong Giant Fish’s Habitat” With invited speaker, Mrs. Chea Seila. Wetlands is a great place where every biodiversity can live their lives. There are five Ramsar sites that we all have to protect and raise awareness of sustainable consuming natural resources. This live broadcast also discusses characteristics of wetlands, and how it is crucial for all species, especially the giant fish and other endangered and vulnerable species. Protecting wetlands is an obligation for all of us.

Produced By: Young Eco Ambassador Cambodia 

Connected Rivers: Sustaining Cambodia’s Abundant Fishes

Narrated in Khmer (with English subtitles), the film was produced to inform and inspire the people directly reliant upon sustained fish production for food and economic security, emphasizing the need to consider potential long-term impacts of man-made migration barriers to the natural environment, endangered and iconic species, and their way of life.

Produced By: Wonders of the Mekong Project

The rearing of endangered fish larvae

The Wonders of the Mekong Project, in collaboration with the Inland Fisheries Research and Development Institute, has collected endangered fish species such as Mekong giant catfish, Giant barb and other fish species from the Mekong River to rear in the Bati Seed Production and Research Station located in Peam Ror District, Prey Veng Province. The rearing takes place until the fish are large enough to be healthy, and then the project tags them to monitor their growth and releases them back into the Mekong.

Produced By: Wonders of the Mekong Project

Studying the influence of Sesan II reservoir on water quality

Wonders of the Mekong with the scientists and Cambodian team research study looking at the influence of Sesan II reservoir on water quality of nearby tributaries. In this processing, we use the water profiler to collect data on temperature region and chlorophyll.

Produced By: Wonders of the Mekong Project

Freshwater Natural Aquarium Documentary

The Freshwater Natural Aquarium Documentary shows freshwater tropical aquarium fish in the wild, in their natural habitat. Have you ever wondered what your freshwater tropical fish’s homes look like in the wild and how they all interact in their natural habitat? Legendary filmmaker Ivan Mikolji takes you on an underwater journey to secret locations in tropical jungles exploring 33 rivers and 7 different habitats.

Produced By: Ivan Mikolji

Ratha Chea | Why is the Mekong River impotant to Cambodia

Freshwater Ecologist Ratha Chea talks about the reasons why the Mekong River is such an important resource to Cambodia and how modification of the river could potentially affect Cambodia. Mekong River is a great source where a lot of people depend on it. Meanwhile, there are more than a thousand freshwater species that live in the Mekong River which provide people needs.

Produced By: Wonders of the Mekong Project

Forecast Mekong: Visualizing Shared Waters

The Mekong is one of the world’s great rivers cascading through six Asian countries from the Tibetan Plateau to the South China Sea, connecting China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. How one country uses or changes the waters of the Mekong upstream can have important implications for the health of the river and people downstream.

Produced By: USGS

Forecast Mekong: Navigating Changing Waters

The video is a form of science diplomacy requested by the U.S. Department of State to educate policy-makers and citizens in Southeast Asia about the vital importance of the Mekong river and delta in maintaining food security and livelihoods in the region. The video also seeks to make policy-makers aware of the potential impacts of climate change on people and the environment of the Mekong delta.

Produced By: USGS

How to protect nests and egg of the Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtle

Previously, the eggs were attacked due to unprotected and inadequate management methods, thus causing their nests to be lost. Our daily activities can cause the next generation of the turtle. This video will give us some insight into this knowledge.

Produced By: BTVNews Cambodia